Harford County’s Top Rated Schools
Public Schools in Harford County
Number: 33 Elementary, 9 Middle, 10 High
Enrollment: 37,362
Graduation Rate: 89.5%
Teachers & Staff in Harford County
Students per Teacher (14:1)
State Average (14:1)
Students per Counselor (376:1)
State Average (384:1)
Percentage of Teachers with 3 or More Years of Experience (85%)
State Avergae (85%)
Percentage of Full Time Teachers who are Certified (99%)
State Average (97%)
Harford County Public Schools Curriculum is Comprised of the Following Academic Programs:
Business Education
Career & Technology
Early Childhood Education
English/Language Arts
Family & Consumer Sciences
Physical Education
Social Studies
Technology Education
World Languages
Harford County Public Schools Magnet Programs
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
The IB Programme focuses on fostering critical thinking and building problem-solving skills while encouraging diversity, international mindedness, curiosity, and a healthy appetite for learning and excellence.
Harford Technical High School
Harford Technical High School provides state-of-the-art facilities, with a rigorous curriculum offered by staff who create a challenging learning environment for all students. Faculty and staff strive to integrate academic and technical fields so that all studies are meaningful and rewarding for all students.
Information Technology Oracle Academy
Oracle Academy’s structured curriculum is cross walked to CSTA standards, ISTE standards, and aligned with the AP CS A Exam – to teach object-oriented programming, database design, and business skills directly to students.
Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH)
The Pathways in Technology Early College High School Program combines the best elements of high school, college, and work-based learning. Students are immersed in the field of Computer Information Systems and Cyber Security.
Natural Resources and Agricultural Science Magnet Program
The Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences Magnet (NRAS) is composed of three clusters focusing on Large Animal / Equine Sciences, Plant Sciences, or Natural Resources Sciences. Programs provide students with the opportunity to experience challenging course work and experience science and technology with emphasis on career development and real-world application.
Science and Mathematics Academy
The Science and Mathematics Academy program provides students with the opportunity to experience challenging coursework in science, mathematics, and technology with an emphasis on research and real-world application.
FY 2022 Harford County Public Schools Budget By Source- $556.4 Million
Harford County Government Aid ($293.8 Million) – Includes County allocation that represents Maintenance of Effort level of funding under State Law and additional funding as allocated and approved by the County Executive and County Council.
Maryland State Aid ($235.5 Million) – Includes Unrestricted funds and Restricted (in the form of grants) funds.
Federal Aid ($19.9 Million) – Includes Impact Aid, IDEA, Title I, and other Federal grants.
Other Sources ($4.2 Million) – Includes building use fees, gate receipts for athletic events, fees for out-of-county students, interest income, and student fees.
Fund Balance ($2.9 Million) – Includes funds set aside from prior fiscal years to support ongoing operations and one-time expenditures.
FY 2022 Harford County Public Schools Budget By Program- $556.4 Million
Student Instruction ($440.1 Million) – Includes Education Services, Mid-Level Administration, Instructional Salaries, Textbooks & Classroom Supplies, Other Instructional Costs, Special Education, and Health Services.
Operations and Maintenance ($58.6 Million) – Includes Facilities management of buildings and grounds, utility costs, and Planning and Construction expenditures for capital projects.
Transportation ($42.4 Million) - Includes fuel for vehicles, system-operated buses for special education, and contracted bus services for regular students.
Administrative Services ($15.3 Million) – Includes Board of Education, Executive Administration, Business Services, Human Resources, and the Office of Technology and Information Services.